Just about Time for Spring Break

It is just about time for spring break and given the significant number of new readers, I thought I would touch again on the key goals for this site and also touch on some posts and additions you may have missed.

I would also like to thank Steve Wignall for his contributions in the Service Desk arena. We now have 5 solid pages relating to all aspects of Service Desk and we are typically ranked in the top 20 searches in Google for a number of searches related to service desk (e.g., ‘service desk best practices’, etc). While I am quite pleased for us to achieve this in a matter of a few months, what is most important is that the content is useful and relevant and meaningful to IT leaders.

As many of you know, delivering IT today, with all of the cost reduction demands, the rapidly changing technology, the impact of IT consumerization, and security and risk demands, is, simply put, tough work. It is complicated and hard to get the complex IT mechanism, with all the usual legacy systems issues, to perform as well as the business requires. RecipesforIT has been built to help those IT leaders out, to provide recipes and ideas on how to tackle the tough but solvable problems they face. And in addition to providing best practices, we will give you a solid and sensible perspective on the latest trends and technologies.

And note we will continue to build out the best practices areas and not necessarily post the material. For example, we have added Build an Outstanding Customer Interface, Service Desk Leadership and Service Desk Metrics pages to the appropriate best practice areas. So don’t forget to leverage these areas for material when you are faced with issues or challenges.

As promised in January, we have really covered the service desk area with the help of Steve Wignall and Bob Barnes. And we covered innovation (and Kodak). There was also a request to cover how to effectively consolidate an IT organization and that was covered in  the post Building IT Synergy

So what is upcoming? I will continue to touch on current topics (hopefully you liked the Australian pilot and low PDI post) but I will also divert time to cover leadership and high performance teams. I have also received a request to cover production operations and best practices in that area that I hope to complete. Steve will also cover another page on service desk for us. And I will continue with incremental but hopefully material improvements to the site pages that will provide further details on best practices in a comprehensive manner.

I continue to receive strong feedback from many of you on the usefulness and actionability of the material. I will definitely work to ensure we maintain that relevance.

One last note: don’t forget you can subscribe to the site so you get an email when there’s a new post (subscribing is on the rightmost bar, halfway down the page). And feel free to provide comments or suggestions — the feedback really helps!

If you are new to the site, I recommend a few posts for relevance and fundamentals:

So, expect plenty more and enjoy your break and the warm weather!

Best, Jim Ditmore